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Partner With Us

We offer monthly correspondence via letter or e-mail  to those who feel led to partner with us in prayer and / or financially. Such support gives us some basis of monthly income and helps us minister in developing nations and among people unable to give realistic ministry gifts. It also sets us free to minister in the confidence that we are responding to God's leading and removes the pressure to schedule 'ministry appointments' just to survive.

These emails and letters are a way of ministering back to those who support us as well as giving them information as to how best they can uphold us in prayer. Thank You and God bless you.


We will aim to keep your data safe and secure by processing your information to meet the latest data protection regulation. We will not pass on your details to any third parties. You will be able to change your mind at anytime by contacting us at

Thanks for submitting!

Other ministries we support

More than 10% of all donations to Liberation Ministries support the following causes:

‘Che Roga’ Orphanage in Paraguay, working with orphaned and abused children.
(Over £750,000 has been raised by Liberation Ministries partners over last 15 years and over 500 children have been equipped to go into the world and become active Christians and useful citizens.)

‘Door of Hope’ Empowering the poor and the powerless in Bulgaria, Rumania and Ukraine.


PAVE Progress in Africa Via Education. Providing bursaries for deserving students to attend University in Mozambique.


Diody and Lena Silva, House Church Planting in China and Tibet


​Silas and Nicola Tayebwa, King of Kings Ministries International, Uganda


John and Rachel McDonaugh, Elim Missionaries to a unreached anamist people groups in Paraguay


Michael Phombeah, Full Time Prayer Missionary


Evangelism Explosion, Equipping churches to ‘Make disciples that make


Shirley Hardy Working with Aborigines in Australia


Giving Works, Orphanage, Teaching and Church Planting in India

Sign up today

© 2021 Liberation Ministries.

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Liberation Ministries. Registered under

Elim Pentecostal Church Charity Number 251549.

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